
Platform for AI development

Develop artificial intelligence -
without AI or programming knowledge.
Develop artificial intelligence -
without AI or programming knowledge.

Utilise the potential of your data:

  • Recognising patterns and trends,
  • Forecasts and predictions received,
  • Optimise and automate business processes.
Known from:
topmagazin RUHRSolinger TageblattRheinische PostntvBusiness Punkdeutsche startupsPRO MAGAZINHeilbronner Stimme

In just a few clicks - increase sales, save time and stay

Our user-friendly interface enables you to develop customised AI based on your data and achieve greater efficiency in daily tasks.

It's as simple as that:

  1. Select use case
  2. Upload data
  3. Develop AI
  4. Use AI

Use Cases

Rule of thumb: If it is to be predicted, recognised or generated - it is an AI Usecase.

Lead prioritisation
Lead prioritisation
Increase your conversion rate by prioritising your leads and identifying the most promising ones.
Automated quotation generation
Automated quotation generation
Take the pressure off your sales department by automatically creating quotations and sending them out quickly.
Predictive maintenance
Predictive maintenance
Avoid expensive breakdowns by recognising maintenance requirements at an early stage and intervening in good time.
Cancellation forecasts
Cancellation forecasts
Retain your customers by recognising cancellations at an early stage and counteracting them in a targeted manner.
Image recognition
Image recognition
Reduce rejects by recognising faulty parts at an early stage and acting in good time.
And many more!

Would you like to use AI in your

Technology made in Germany

The future of AI development: AI programmes AI.

Our proprietary algorithm replicates the AI development process of a human expert in the background.
Based on your data and input, it carries out all steps automatically and develops the most efficient AI for your requirements.

The software does it all

Merge sources, standardise format, check data quantity and quality.

Identify target variable, recognise missing values, detect inconsistencies, enrich data.

Estimate missing values, clean up inconsistencies, remove irrelevant data.

Select algorithms, check plausibility of results, test AI.

Founding team

Patrick Imcke
CEOPatrick ImckeM.Sc Mathematics, UDE
  • TOP talent under 25 in the DACH region
  • Former NRW chess champion
  • Completed his Master's degree in half the standard period of study at the age of 21
  • Taught non-parametric statistics and machine learning for three years
  • Doctorate 2026
Jan Dette
CTOJan DetteM.Sc Mathematics, UDE
  • former Ruhr Area chess champion
  • Programming since the age of 13
  • Winner of the 3rd state prize at Jugend forscht with an AI project.

Our team

Head of Data ScienceCedric NguepnangM.Sc Mathematics, Cambridge
Data ScientistSven LeitgeberM.Sc Mathematics, UDE
MarketingAthanasia TheodoridouStudy Online Marketing, Iu

What our customers say: